Augmented Reality applications in tourism

August 10, 2023 admin

Augmented Reality in Tourism

If there is an sector where live unique experiences is the basis of the business, this is the tourism sector. And thanks to the Augmented Reality, these experiences can be much more immersive and special. From recreating historical events and life in the past to being able to have real-time translations in any language, Augmented Reality emerges as a useful and innovative tool to transform tourism.

Before getting to know its applications and the projects that are currently being implemented, let's review what Augmented Reality is all about. 

This is defined as technology that combines the real world with the digital world, superimposing virtual elements on reality itself. Thanks to this immersive technology, the real and virtual environment interminglecreating interactive experiences accessible from various mobile devices.

You may be interested in→ How does Augmented Reality (AR) differ from Virtual Reality (VR)?

Specifically, in the tourism sector, Augmented Reality (AR) makes it possible to take the tourism experience to the next level. Adding multiple layers of information to the spaces of cultural interest so that the visitor gets a more complete and in-depth view of the place. From animations and recreations to photographs, videos, notifications, informative texts and virtual maps. It also allows for, provide customized content and servicesadapted to the tastes and needs of each tourist.

Benefits of Augmented Reality in tourism

The benefits and advantages of using Augmented Reality to tourism experiences are many, both for the user and for the professionals of the sector themselves. Among the main advantages of the union of tourism with Augmented Reality, the following stand out:

  • Improved user experienceThe information you receive is instantly available to you and in situ in the same tourist spot, all without having to search for it in different sources. Showing details that would otherwise go unnoticed.
  • In general, Augmented Reality is one of the most popular more accessible and cost-effective immersive technologies, when compared to the experiences developed in Virtual Reality. In addition, Augmented Reality projects can now be enjoyed through cell phones and tablets, devices that are very widespread among users.
  • Augmented Reality is a real challenge progress for cities in their transformation into smart citiesproviding an accessible platform for all citizens and tourists to obtain information about updated information about the city: its history, its restaurants, tourist attractions and also information on basic services such as pharmacies or ATMs at your disposal.
  • This is a attractive and innovative technologyThe integration of these products into tourism experiences attracts new audiences.

Augmented Reality and Tourism: applications and examples

Augmented Reality has multiple applications within the tourism sector, such as, recreate historical events, turning cities into big cities immersive gymkhanasThe fact is that by simply pointing our mobile devices or wearing Augmented Reality glasses, we will receive the information we need instantly, in a very simple way. easy and interactive way.

The following are some of the most important most popular applications:

▶ Recreating the past

Recreate the past. Augmented Reality allows us to travel back in time, going back decades or centuries to observe, through a mobile device, what the city's great monuments were like in their day. It gives us the option to see with our own eyes how the streets were, the inhabitants, the buildings, the customs... going a step further in the immersion of tourists in the history and culture of the area.

We highlight our project Connected Artwith which the streets of Zaragoza came to life through Augmented Reality.

▶ Gamification

Undoubtedly, one of the greatest contributions of this technology to the tourism sector is the gamification bonus that offers to the experiences. Whether on a tour of the city, the mountains, the museum or even a theme park, Augmented Reality allows you to transform the space into a large game board. Where the little ones, and not so little ones, can complete different games and challenges, earn points, discover the didactic part in a fun and entertaining way and above all enjoy their tourist trip in a totally different way.

Among the proposals that we are already seeing today is the Commercial Walks project in the city of Zaragoza, where through urban art coupled with Augmented Reality, residents and tourists can enjoy walking through the different neighborhoods of the city with surprising graffiti that come to life around it.

▶ Interactive elements in hotels

Augmented Reality can also be applied in hotel chains or resorts. Thanks to it, guests can have updated and instant information, touring both the facilities and their own rooms. In addition, this information can be customized, according to the tourist's interests, contracted services and age. All to improve and personalize the overall experience.

Future technological experiences for tourism

An important factor in Augmented Reality (AR) is its linkage with other leading-edge technologies that are currently being developed and implemented. 

In the tourism sector, these technologies are known as Turistech. A recent term used to talk about of the application of these new technologies in the experiences of the tourism industry.

1. Big Data

Big Data helps to collect and analyze large amounts of data and customer information in real time, enabling tourism companies to customize both your messages and activities depending on demand and target audience.

A great advantage when it comes to planning future strategies that, in conjunction with Augmented Reality, allows companies in the sector to display the information within the segmented and personalized tourism experienceswhere geolocation plays a very important role.

All through notifications and announcements that are superimposed over the real elements that tourists are pointing their cell phones at.

2. Internet of things

The term Internet of Things (IoT) refers to everyday physical devices that have been equipped with Internet connectivityThis makes them able to send and receive data, and thus control or monitor devices remotely and perform actions automatically.

All this translates into a more automation, more customization and a better customer experience.

In the tourism sectorThe Internet of Things makes it possible to optimize the physical condition of hotel facilities and rooms, reducing energy costs and better managing resources. 

Thanks to this technology, all employees can see from a single platform which rooms are occupied, which need to replenish products or, in airports, can control from a single system the monitoring of luggage between flights, being able to send notifications to users about their status. All thanks to the high-capacity sensors.

3. Virtual Assistants - Artificial Intelligence

Within the customization of services In the hospitality industry, virtual assistants are one of the most in-demand technologies. 

These assistants allow be available to tourists at all timesThe virtual assistants are your point of reference for queries, requests and alerts. These virtual assistants can also be connected with the Artificial IntelligenceThe interactions are provided with higher quality and updated information, adapting the tone and language to the user. With a much more personalized and interactive conversation.

Attached to the Augmented Realityvirtual assistants can be equipped with a much more humanized appearanceThe mobile device allows the assistant to be part of the action, making the interaction with them much closer and more natural.

4. Recognition technology

The recognition technologies include all devices and innovations that enable facial recognition, fingerprint recognition, retinal scans and other biometric identifiers.

Its use in tourism is not yet widespread; however, there are already some hotels that allow the use of this technology. check-in or access to rooms through these technologies.

5. Blockchain

One of the technologies that is making a strong entrance into the tourism industry is the technology Blockchain or "block recording". This innovation in encryption allows every transaction is recordedThe information is stored in a secure environment, adding blocks to the previous information, where they cannot be altered, since they are all connected to guarantee security, transparency in your transactions and also the non-loss of data.

These three points are very important for tourism, since this is a sector where the most important personal data of travelers are often exchanged between flight companies and hotels without the user really being aware of it.

In addition, this technology makes it possible to luggage trackingThe company's solutions can also be used to identify customers with Blockchain-based boarding-passes, make secure and traceable payments and even foster loyalty by enabling the distribution of tokens or other digital assets in a secure manner.

6. 5G

Undoubtedly, the great technology that will enable all this exchange of information and all the immersive experiences at tourist sites is 5G connectivity.

Thanks to its faster upload and download speeds, wider coverage and more stable connections, the Augmented Reality and the rest of the technologies presented will be able to be carried out without suffering outages or loss of connection. This allows tourists to enjoy the immersive experience without worrying about their connectivity.

We custom develop the Augmented Reality experience you need.

At Imascono we know that the future of the tourism sector depends on the creation of interactive and immersive experiences that users fall in love with and that generate a real emotional connection. This is why Augmented Reality is positioned as one of the main technologies to be developed at the tourism level.

Our team has been more than 12 years developing Augmented Reality experiences both nationally and internationally. With our methodology we accompany you throughout the process, from conceptualization to final implementation.

We focus on understanding your specific objectives and requirements in order to provide you with the best possible solution. efficient and high quality solution.

Don't waste any more time looking for a generic solution that doesn't fit your needs.  Contact us at today and find out how we can develop the project for you. Augmented Reality perfect for your tourism experience.


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