Marketing en el metaverso: principales estrategias
La tecnología está transformando todas las estrategias de las compañías, en especial, las estrategias de marketing. En este contexto, el Metaverso y los nuevos mundos virtuales se han convertido en una nueva frontera para las marcas que buscan innovar y conectar con las audiencias de los nativos digitales.
Influencers virtuales como tendencia en las redes sociales
Las Redes Sociales se han convertido en el canal de comunicación principal de muchas empresas. Una forma de llegar al usuario final, de mantener conversaciones directas con ellos y de conectar emocionalmente con el producto y la marca. En esta ecuación, el marketing de influencers juega un papel clave.
5 casos de uso de Inteligencia Artificial que debes conocer
La Inteligencia Artificial es una de las grandes tecnologías que están transformando todo tipo de empresas y sectores. Su gran capacidad de adaptación, su baja curva de aprendizaje por parte de los usuarios y su integración con el resto de avances tecnológicos como el Metaverso, la Realidad Aumentada o el Spatial Computing, hacen de la IA un punto importante en el futuro de las empresas.
Benefits and characteristics of the metaverse in education
Technological innovation is part of 21st century education. Among the different technologies that have been emerging in recent years, the Metaverse and virtual spaces offer a wide range of benefits and features that can enrich the educational process, making it more accessible, interactive and personalized.
What is augmented reality? Main keys
In a world where connection and instant information are key, Augmented Reality offers a bridge between physical space and digital data, providing both businesses and users with a more intuitive and effective way to interact with technology.
What is Industry 4.0. and what are its main characteristics?
From the steam engine to the invention of electricity or the advent of mass production and later electronics... Throughout history, the industrial sector has experienced different technological transformations that have even marked the great advances of mankind.
Advantages and disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence in education
If there is a technology that is revolutionizing the present and future of education, it is Artificial Intelligence (AI). It is radically changing our learning schemes, developing new proposals and methodologies.
Features and benefits of Augmented Reality in education
The possibility of approaching the real world from new perspectives, of combining the physical and virtual worlds, of creating an environment full of information that adds value to educational activities.
4 Benefits of using Extended Reality and Big Data in tourism
The era of data has also reached the tourism sector. Thanks to Big Data and advanced analytics, tourism companies are currently undergoing a profound and strategic transformation in the way they offer and optimize their tourism services.