What is Gamification: benefits and examples
The Gamification is the great technological trend that takes entertainment and fun beyond video games, even reaching the business world. Creating a new way to interact and motivate users/customers, changing the rules (of the game) in all sectors.
In this article we will review the great examples and benefits of gamification for the business world and other important sectors such as health and education.
Gamification Concept
Before knowing what are the applications and advantages of incorporating Gamification to our day to day in the company, let's see what it consists of.
Gamification is the term that unifies all the techniques and uses of the mechanics of video games in actions and sectors, until now, alien to this playful world. By transferring the challenges y rewards more entertaining to business management, education, promotional campaigns and professional training, among others.
Everything to turn the most routine tasks and the most conventional marketing actions into interactive challenges.
Gamification in companies
Gamification in the business world is more than the generalized idea of turning work into a game. Gamification is to develop the entire management, training e interaction with users/customers in the most attractive and effective way possible. Turning routine tasks into challenges to be completed, motivating both employees and customers or students with different types of rewards.
Next, let's take a look at how Gamification is applied and its most characteristic examples in sectors such as education, marketing or industry 4.0.
Gamification in education
Gamification is effective at any age, but children and teenagers are undoubtedly the greatest beneficiaries of gamification. game application in the educational system.
Gamification is associated with a greater commitment, motivation, attention e interest by students, regardless of their level of education.
Thanks to its challenge/reward system, it provides incentives to give the best of oneself. In addition, student autonomy is encouraged and, when concepts are more complicated, learning through trial and error, logic and deduction games helps to internalize new knowledge in a much more effective and entertaining way.
For example, Fundación Ibercaja's training program stands out, where schoolchildren aged 10 and 11 learn everything they need to set up their own school cooperative. Thanks to this gamification, the students develop their learning about business and entrepreneurship through the interactive challenges in the virtual campus from Learning to undertake.
You may also be interested in→ Kai XR Platformour project, together with Kai, of virtual reality for students and children.
Gamification in marketing and advertising
Currently, digital environments, and in particular, video games, are experiencing exponential growth. Therefore, brands must take a step forward and move our products, services, companies and marketing and advertising campaigns to this new digital environment. new ecosystem from entertainment.
Brands, by creating their own video games and digital gymkhanas, achieve capture the attentioncreate a new loyalty channel y increase participation of the users. Through these challenges and rewards, campaigns become much more interactive, improving in turn the two-way communication with the public, obtaining high quality information thanks to the interactive points and the internal analysis of the responses.
One of the latest major marketing campaigns based on the gamification found in the virtual facilities of the Rafa Nadal Academy by Movistar. Where users from all over the world discover the academy through Rafa Nadal's own avatar and thanks to the different challenges spread throughout the virtual space. With which they can get great rewards in discounts and sweepstakes.
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WebApp created to support Rafa Nadal at Roland Garros
Gamification in Industry 4.0.
Gamification is not only designed for children and teenagers. In companies, especially in industrial companies, Gamification techniques are revolutionizing the way of working with children and teenagers. new, more dynamic and effective methodologies.
Gamification of the workplace improves productivity, favors the implementation of new strategies andThe new system reduces training times and optimizes tasks in which there are normally no incentives for improvement.
An example of Gamification in the industrial world can be found in the program of Virtual Training developed together with the transportation company Global Expedition. A Virtual Reality video game for the training of your employees through your own immersive 3D space.
Gamification in tourism
Tradition, folklore and culture are not at odds with new technologies. With the gamification of museums, monuments, places of tourist interest and even entire cities, the following can be achieved create new experiences that put the visitor at the center of the action.
It is enhanced from the promotion of tourist sites with video games and immersive presentations of the destination, to cultural activities in the same trip thanks to the gymkhanas and interactive escape rooms with challenges throughout the city.
It is about immersive tours in which to catch prizes and collect discounts from local businesses through the latest technological advances such as Augmented Reality and geolocation. Everything to turn the tourist experience into a great adventure.
Undoubtedly, one of the biggest bets for the cultural gamification is headed by the virtual recreation of the Plaza del Pilar in Zaragoza on the big day of the festivities. Where the traditional Offering of Flowers to the Virgin of Pilar is gamified, transferring its great cultural value to the virtual world, thanks to a web space accessible from any place and device.
Metaverse of the city of Zaragoza recreating in 3D the experience of the traditional Offering of Flowers
Gamification in retail
An increasing number of companies in the retail sector are using gamification to create entertaining experiences that attract your physical and virtual stores to both current and potential customers.
All this with a clear objective in mind: to build loyalty, excite and generate engagement. Digital Gymkhanas to find hidden offers, create an online game in which virtual coins are accumulated, or even fill the city's commercial areas with Augmented Reality art, as in the Paseos Comerciales project. Where the union of urban art with new technologies generates new and fun experiences on the streets, attracting new customers and energizing the face-to-face shopping experience.
For example, our project connected artwhere the streets of Zaragoza came to life through augmented reality.
5 Advantages of gamification in companies
Gamification has the following objectives target inspire deeper and more committed relationshipsThe company's marketing strategy is based on the use of the company's own branding, both in the classroom with students and with employees, in training programs and in marketing actions between users and brands.
Successful and sustainable gamification can turn customers into fans, turn work into fun or make learning much more enjoyable and entertaining. The potential is enormous and so are the advantages.
Here are the 5 main benefits of incorporating Gamification to our companies.
Improves productivity and task optimization.
Within the companies themselves, gamification manages to transform the methodology of all processes. By optimizing the most routine tasks through incentives. These not only motivate to overcome the different phases of development, but also provide a greater autonomy y self-evaluation employees themselves can measure the achievement of their objectives.
2. Motivates loyalty and engagement
In today's world, it is not only important to attract attention amidst so much audiovisual stimuli. It is also crucial to offer the audience a experience that really makes them value contributionthem emocione and that it is the trigger to create much stronger relationships of trust and loyalty.
Public-brand relations in which the play, entertainment and fun play a decisive role.
3. Feedback and analytics
With this type of initiative radically changes the way we measure promotional actions of the brands.
Gamification game systems attract attention, encourage participation and provide brands with instant feedback that is personalized to the measurement objectives of each experience. Facilitating the bidirectional communication with the public, in a way that entertained y unobtrusive.
4. Viralization of brand actions
Undoubtedly, video games are one of the most attractive and participative forms of entertainment that immerse users in the world of entertainment. new digital world.
If these games are also adapted to the storytelling and the essence of a company, the brand action not only manages to reach the target audience in a more entertaining way, but also to make it more attractive. viralization is achieved more organically. The users themselves are the ones who challenge their friends and followers to overcome the game's challenges.
5. Promotes creativity and communication
Gamification can be an effective tool to promote the development of creativity and communication in educational and business environments by increasing motivation, promoting collaboration, providing immediate feedback and creating a fun and participatory environment that encourages the exchange of ideas among the entire team.
This can stimulate their creativity by getting them to more involved in the tasksto look for new ways to solve challenges and get carried away in an environment of play, trial-and-error and exploration.
Gamification projects with Imascono
In the midst of the digital transformation era, companies must rethink our strategies and methodologies to bring new techniques such as Gamification closer to our day to day in the company. To do so, it is necessary to stop, understand this new mechanics and analyze in which phases of our business model we can include Gamification to exploit all its advantages to the maximum.
At Imascono we have a team specialized in technology consulting that can help you shape your ideas. In addition, we have been working for more than 12 years with companies, schools and institutions from all fields and sectors as part of its digital metamorphosis strategy with the implementation of their Gamification models and projects.
Our engineers and designers will be happy to answer all of your questions and discuss how we can adapt our Gamification solutions Do you need a Gamification project to meet your company's specific needs?Contact us at!