Challenges of Artificial Intelligence applied to the enterprise

April 5, 2024 admin

Artificial Intelligence has become one of the most disruptive technologies of the 21st century, and we still do not know its full potential. More and more companies are incorporating different business models and value propositions into their business models and value propositions. AI tools to improve your processes, perform more thorough controls and make more informed and accurate decisions.

This technology is transforming the business world. Changing the way we work and opening up new possibilities for improving efficiency, productivity, and customer experience in all sectors.

A series of tools that can be used in various areas and departmentsThe company's business is focused on customer service and marketing, as well as factory maintenance, supply chain and business intelligence.

In this article we will take a closer look at the applications, use cases y challenges that the incorporation of Artificial Intelligence in the day-to-day running of companies entails.

Characteristics of Artificial Intelligence applied to the enterprise

Artificial Intelligence is not a new technology; it has been developing for decades. However, nowadays, this technology has spread and its tools have been democratized. the AI is within the reach of all companiesregardless of their size.

Before focusing on its characteristics and applications, it is necessary to look at its definition. The Artificial Intelligence is the technology capable of simulating human intelligence to perform different tasks. It gives machines the ability to act and/or think like humans to perform learning processes, task automation, decision making and pattern recognition.

In relation to the Generative Artificial Intelligence (Gen AI)This technology has also proven to be an ally in the area of creativity, with the generation of images and texts of great detail starting from a first text known as prompt.

Next, let's take a look at 5 key features of Artificial Intelligence applied to companies:

  1. Automatic learning: has algorithms and models that allow machines to learn and perform tasks without being explicitly programmed for them.
  2. Automation: ability of AI tools to perform tasks without the need for human intervention. After pre-training, it is the machine itself that executes the actions on its own.
  3. Data intake and analysis: AI is characterized by its ability to acquire knowledge from various sources (sensors, databases, archives, social media) and to examine, transform and analyze them to discover patterns and trends.
  4. Cloud storage: Instead of being located in local facilities, the information, sources and algorithms of Artificial Intelligence are located on servers in the cloud, which facilitates access to resources.
  5. Natural language processing: One of the main characteristics of AI is its ability to process natural language, performing actions without having to be programmed through code. Simply through text and/or voice. Facilitating access to this low code/no code technology to non-technical people.

You may be interested in → The Influence of Artificial Intelligence in the Metaverse.

Applications of Artificial Intelligence in enterprises

Artificial Intelligence is becoming the greatest ally of companies. Its implementation represents a digital transformation total in the business models y value chain of companies. Both for their impact on productivity and customer service, AI tools have great applications in a multitude of departments, sectors and types of companies.

Personalization of the customer experience

Undoubtedly, one of the major applications of Artificial Intelligence in the business world is the personalization in customer service. Thanks to AI tools, the company adapts to the individual needs of each user, with personalized recommendations and offering a closer, customer-centric service.

A customization of the experience that is seen both at the interface level on the web/app specific to your needs and interests and also through avatars equipped with AI. Virtual assistants that go beyond chatbots to offer a more humanized treatment. Maintaining a natural conversation with users, including verbal and non-verbal language.

Avatars equipped with Artificial Intelligence such as V-E-G-A, a tutor of new technologies that solves all the doubts about the latest trends and advances in innovation.

Automation of tasks and processes

The integration of AI tools allows companies to automating the most repetitive and mechanical processessuch as product classification, quality inspection or the generation of control dashboards.

All this not only reduces costs and improves productivity, but also allows employees to devote their time and resources to time to higher quality tasks, at a more strategic and creative level.

Data analysis

Artificial Intelligence is a great ally of analytics Big Data. Thanks to AI, the large databases collected can be analyzed and sorted in record time, facilitating rapid understanding and decision making. AI can be programmed to search for the specific insights for the company, customizing data analysis to the maximum.

A fact that helps, for example, at the sales level, analyzing historical data and market behavior in real time for predict product demand. Or at the industrial level, with an Artificial Intelligence capable of foreseeing machinery failures, being a great tool in the predictive maintenance of the factories.

Detection of faults or fraud

Artificial Intelligence is also a great ally of cybersecurity, since its algorithms analyze large volumes of data, being able to detect suspicious patterns and behaviors in real time. Offering the possibility for companies to anticipate cyber threats and take preventive measures.

How to implement Artificial Intelligence in a company

Once the definition and the most important applications of Artificial Intelligence in the business world have been seen, it is fundamental to to bring all this information down to the company itself. To do this, it is necessary to follow a series of steps to know how to implement Artificial Intelligence in a company, adjusting to the challenges of each company.

The first thing is identify needsThe objectives and opportunities of implementing AI in the company. Knowing what you are looking to achieve. Another important point is to understand what AI can and cannot do today, also taking into account budgets, deadlines and the company's own resources.

Once you have these points, it's time to select the most suitable Artificial Intelligence solution. To this end, it is also crucial to prepare the company itself for the incorporation of AI. By developing a data strategy (collection and preparation of storage and analysis systems) and all the training of the AI model specific to the company.

Finally, the customized solution is integrated in the company's value chain, testing and measuring results. Monitoring for continuous improvement.

If you are interested, learn more about our Artificial Intelligence service for companies.

Benefits of Artificial Intelligence in companies

The Artificial Intelligence offers great benefits for companies. Both externally, by offering customers/users more personalized products and services, and internally, by automating routine tasks that improve productivity and leave employees time to focus on more strategic and creative tasks.

The AI tools are used in various business areas. Below, we will see some of the most outstanding benefits of their use and application.

Enhances creativity

Artificial Intelligence gives us the opportunity to go beyond the "blank sheet of paper", that is, it allows us not to start from scratch in the creative process. A fact that stimulates creativity by wanting to go beyond the basics, to explore ideas we hadn't thought of at first, and to be increasingly specific in what we want and aspire to achieve.

Reduction of human error

AI can help reduce human error in business processes, increasing the accuracy and quality of the manufactured product. This is especially important in supply chain management, in the production area and in quality control, where small errors can have serious consequences.

3. Analysis of large amounts of data

Artificial Intelligence coupled with the latest advances in Big Data enables companies to realize more effective analysis on a large amount of data and in real time. AI algorithms are able to study the data and provide detailed information about its content. Thanks, above all, to their natural language processing that makes this interaction with the data much easier and more accessible.

4. Increase productivity

Another benefit offered by the implementation of Artificial Intelligence in companies is the increase in productivity thanks to the process optimization. AI tools help companies to keep track of time and actions in the value chain.

By collecting this data and then analyzing it, AI can provide companies with the following benefits accurate and up-to-date data, identifying patternstrends and areas for improvement. Helping the production department to adapt quickly to changing conditions, both in the market and in the company's internal operations.

5. Improved decision making

All of the above benefits mean that companies have the ability to to make better decisions.

By incorporating different AI tools at the creative and operational level, companies have valuable information for decision making, as well as the ability to analyze in detail all areas of the company and be much more creative in developing new ideas. This helps organizations to improve their overall performance and competitiveness.

Challenges of applying Artificial Intelligence in enterprises

Artificial Intelligence offers great advantages for companies, but its correct implementation presents some challenges. challenges to be taken into account.

Among the most important is the lack of understanding of their capabilities and limitations. Many companies do not fully understand how they can use AI effectively, nor what is the best tool for their own value chain. This is compounded by the cost of incorporating a new technology and not having a stipulated return on investment.

The application of Artificial Intelligence in companies also involves a cultural change within the company. Organizations must ensure that the AI tools implemented are seen as allies that empower the company's professionals, and not as substitutes. To do this, it is necessary to have a partner that will help you introduce this new technology in the company in the most adapted way possible to your business model and corporate culture.

Our Artificial Intelligence projects for companies

At Imascono we are aware that the future - and the present - of companies is based on the incorporation of Artificial Intelligence in their business models and value propositions. It is a technology that offers great benefits both internally and externally, improving the day-to-day operations of a multitude of departments. From the operations and production area to the marketing and customer service team.

Our main Artificial Intelligence projects for companies include the following V-E-G-Aa new generation of hyper-realistic virtual avatars with generative AI. Virtual avatars that allow to enrich the quality of interactions thanks to the humanization of Artificial Intelligence.

With virtual avatars such as V-E-G-AThe interaction with users and customer service are transformed, offering a fully personalized experience.

Our team of engineers and developers has been more than 12 years working with the latest technologies such as the Extended Realitythe Metaverse and the Artificial Intelligence. We will be happy to meet your needs and help you incorporate Artificial Intelligence in your company. Contact with us and we will solve all your doubts.


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