"This is a dream come true. We have created a team of great professionals, but above all, great people. And best of all, this is just the beginning."
/ Awards
- Helixa Summit 2022 Award Most Innovative Sociocultural Initiative, IFEMA
- ASTER Digital Innovation Award 2022, ESIC Business & Marketing School
- Young Entrepreneur of Aragon Award, AJE Zaragoza
- Junior Company 2020 Award, Telecommunications Engineers Aragón
- Smart Cities Project 2017 Award, Imagine Express
- Internationalization Award, Zaragoza City Council
- Telefónica Award to the Best Mobile App, Telefónica and Heraldo de Aragón
- Youth Project 2014, Aragonese Institute of Youth.
/ Conferences & Exhibitions
- Speaker at SmashTech Be Mobile. Barcelona, Spain
- Speaker at You Win. Zaragoza, Spain
- Speaker at OFFF Barcelona. Barcelona, Spain
- Speaker at Mind The Bridge Summit. San Francisco, USA.
- Speaker at Imagine Express. London, UK
- Speaker at App Circus. San Francisco, USA.
- Exhibitor at Mobile World Congress. Barcelona. Spain
- Exhibitor at Wolves Summit.Gdynia. Poland
- Exhibitor at Collision. Las Vegas, USA
- Exhibitor at OFFF Barcelona. Barcelona, Spain
- Exhibitor at SIMO Educación. Madrid, Spain
- Speaker South Summit, Madrid, Spain
- Speaker at the Spanish Television Academy, Madrid, Spain.
- Speaker at E-show, Madrid, Spain
- Speakers Women Techmakers, Zaragoza, Spain
- Speaker FITUR: Technological Forum Fiturtechy. Madrid, Spain
/ Newspaper library
- Imascono: the challenge of immersing companies in the metaverse, Cinco Días
- Informe Semanal: Heading to the Metaverse, RTVE
- The Spaniards who revolutionized the U.S. educational system, El Mundo
- Aragonese app Chromville Science, among the best Spanish apps for Apple, El Economista
- New realities of the hand of Imascono, Heraldo de Aragon
- Imascono launches an interactive 3D web solution to contact companies and clients, El Economista
- An Aragonese company creates a digital project to support Nadal, Heraldo de Aragon
- Interview with Pedro Lozano, Co-Founder of Imascono, Made in ZGZ
- Héctor Paz: "The next technological wave will be (...)", El Periódico de Aragón